Best Targets for Concealed Carry Practice

We all know there's a major difference between target practice for fun vs. target practice for training. Sometimes, the two can coexist, but when it comes to training your students on how to handle a hostage situation, or defending themselves from threats of bodily injury or death, there's no time for games. 

How To Choose the Right Targets for Training

Before we dive into the different types of shooting targets we offer, let's take a step back to review the unique materials you have to choose from. 

Paper Shooting Targets

There are many benefits to paper shooting targets, especially for training. Paper allows you to easily measure shot groupings and improve placement, as they provide greater visibility of where hits land.

Another benefit of using paper targets is that they keep track of your students' progress over time. You can easily identify where they excel and where they require more training.

Learn more about our paper shooting targets.

Cardboard Shooting Targets

Similar to paper targets in how they allow you to track shot groups, cardboard is an excellent option for training. A little thicker than paper, they provide a studier platform and are available in different sizes and shapes, such as silhouettes for concealed carry practice. 

Steel Shooting Targets

Steel targets provide a clear soundboard for students to know the instant their shots land. Unlike paper or cardboard, steel targets are reusable and are recommended for long-range shooting, as you don't need to stop the range to count up hits. 

Top 3 Targets for Training

Now that you know about the benefits of each material, let's explore our top three target recommendations for concealed carry practice.

Silhouette Targets

Some may say this is the godfather of shooting targets for concerned carry practice. Iconic silhouette targets like the B-27, for example, have been around the block since the 1960s and are still used today for training and qualification in states around the country. 

When you shop our online store, you have the option of choosing from traditional silhouette targets or variations of the original that feature images of the human anatomy or real-life depictions of active shooters.

Hostage Targets

Using hostage shooting targets can help remind your students what's really at stake in an active shooter situation. Rather than focusing on a faceless silhouette, or a single point of contact within their range, students now have a new obstacle in front of the target that they can't afford to hit.

Our hostage shooting targets are designed to help challenge your students to react in this type of scenario. Rather than having a wider shot range to land each hit, they now have to avoid injuring an innocent bystander who is blocking the target. This means shot groups must be tighter and more precise, as any error could be fatal. 

Critical Response Targets

A crucial part of concealed carry practice is that your students stay in control and aware of their surroundings—particularly the movements of an active shooter. To put it simply, in real life, there is always the chance that the shooter may not have a weapon. 

Our selection of critical response paper targets are designed to help students never mistake a common device for a harmful weapon. These work by changing up each target scenario, meaning the target may portray an active shooter yet its overlay reveals the same individual but in a less threatening scenario. 

This ensures your students stay alert and think critically before taking their next shot. 

Shop Hostage Targets & More

At Qualification Targets, Inc., you'll find a large selection of American-made shooting targets and training gear designed to challenge and prepare your team to serve and protect. 

You have the option of ordering in bulk or customizing your order to fit your department's need and budget.

For questions, contact us today at  866-498-8228. Our team is proud to support local law enforcement across the country, and we look forward to serving you! 

Best targets for beginnersBest targets for concealed carry practiceTarget training